August STORY SLAM ~ unfolding story one thread at a time

August STORY SLAM ~ unfolding story one thread at a time
BAB’SLAB presents the premier of
STORY SLAM ~ unfolding story one thread at a time.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Doors Open 7:30 pm I Show: 8:30 pm
Admission: $10.00
We believe there's nothing more powerful than being in the present moment with one another, our minds and hearts open, actively listening and sharing. We offer this experience to our community at BABS'LAB.
Every story slam event has a HOST and a PROMPT.
Audience members can prepare a story and enter their name in a hat or decide to sit back and listen.
Ten people's names are picked from the hat by an audience member. (If you don't get picked, be sure to come back the next month!!)
Judges are picked from the audience and given guidelines to follow. The audience also gets to pick their favorite who will go on to the finals.
At the end of the evening the winner of the slam is announced based on who has the highest score. They will then have a place in the quarterly story slam. They will also receive a prize valued at $50.00.
"As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm.
It is not as wide as you think.”
~ Native American Saying
Five minute stories are perfect. No longer.
No notes. You won’t need them. It’s your story. Speak from your heart and Invest in what you say.
Know your beginning, middle and end. This will keep you on track. Content is important.
Be sure to connect the story to the prompt.
and use inflection. Be aware of rhythm.
Please no ranting or preaching.
Most of all remember to breathe and enjoy the opportunity to be heard.
Ticket Admission: $10.00