In an IMPROV TO THE RESCUE class you will discover how to lead, collaborate, and communicate with confidence, skill, and passion. The program trains a diverse range of students not only as actors for the stage but as empowered individuals in their own lives.
This creative workout builds trust allowing players to tap into and utilize their intuition. From speed story telling, embodied word and sound exploration, to duet listening games and building of scenes, people are challenged. Bottom line, invigorating, fun, inspiring. We offer a safe space for all levels of experience.
Session culminates with an Improv + Story Performance with an invited audience!
WHEN: Tuesdays
CLASS DATES: 5/2, 5/9, 5,16, 2/23, 5/30, 6/6
LENGTH: 2 hrs 15 minutes
TIME: 7 pm - 9:00 pm (we sometimes go over 15 minutes so that all participants get to do an exercise)
TUITION: $120 for 6 classes.
Please Note: If you need a payment plan please email me at: babslab@barbaracolaciello.com
REGISTER: barbaracolaciello.com/register/babslabimprov-springtwo2023
Please let me know if you plan on participating ASAP. I limit the class size to offer in-depth teaching for each player.
Hope to see you at BABS’LAB!
“Barbara has a way of finding the talent that lies buried beneath all of themundane-everyday clutter you accumulate around your soul. She digs deep, finds the rough diamond, then turns it into an invaluable resource.”-- Al Letson, Nationally acclaimed Radio Host, Playwright, Actor.
"As soon as you walk into the door all your stresses are left and you get to be yourself with no limits. BABS’ LAB teaches you how to speak with your body and not think with your head. To truly be in the moment using your instrument." Lauren S.
“BABS’ LAB is where you go to connect and share stories. You will become a better speaker while laughing and being entertained by “Babisms”. I think BABS’LAB simply helps people be better people by providing a safe space to exercise voices and stretch heart strings." Summer V.
"Trusting that I don’t need to overthink, overanalyze, go back to school, in order to create a story on the spot, was a truth that hit home. Believing in that allowed me to be willing to build a story without knowing where it would take me and that was freeing. I’ve seldom been in a classroom where the atmosphere was so supportive and accepting of every person in the room and that is due to Barbara. She is a gifted teacher and a talented artist who encourages everyone grow and shows them how to have fun while doing it."
Nancy P.
"The classes helped me feel more confident to move my body in front of others. The experience was much less intimidating than I anticipated because everyone was incredibly supportive. The class helped me feel free to be silly in my relationships, work and story telling. You don't need to be a "performer" to benefit from this class, this type of play just makes your day better, no matter who you are." Sara S.