WHAT: Facilitator Barbara Colaciello offers an exhilarating 3 hour workout for writers exploring their creative potential and enhancing their communication skills. You will walk away with a better understanding of HOW to SHAPE and rediscover your “material” rather than simply read at live events.
WHEN: Sunday, April 9 2pm - 5pm followed by a post workshop gathering TBA
WHERE: BABS'LAB at 603 King St. Jacksonville,FL located at CoRK Art District North. Entrance to BABS'LAB in in rear of building on Phyllis St.
INTRODUCTORY FEE: $40.00 includes water/snacks
This 3 hour session is designed to build self-confidence through direct experience. Incorporating improvisation and acting games.
● promote creative freedom and personal daring.
● trigger your intuition ● enable you to think fast on your feet
● hone your focusing and listening skills● stimulate action, spontaneity and creativity.
This kind of work creates sacred space —
a space to pause, listen to your heart, trust, play and share.
BABS’LAB is that kind of space.
Multi-faceted artist Barbara Colaciello began her career as the Advertising Director of Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine at The Factory in New York City. Over the years, she has worked extensively as an actress, director, playwright, educator and narrative coach.
Her company Improv to the Rescue specializes in experiential and creative learning to enhance communication skills, develop storytellers and encourage collaboration through workshops, classes and coaching. Barbara brings a unique perspective to the art of communicating based on 25 years of sales and marketing experience, her extensive theater training, combined with 20 years of teaching improvisation.
A 2013 TEDxJacksonville Speaker, Barbara facilitates communication workshops for many clients including TEDxJacksonville, TEDxFSCJ, Vistakon, The Cummer Museum, and Duval County Public Schools. Colaciello, recently voted Best Actor by Folio Weekly’s 2016 Best of Jax readership, continues to hone her craft at her studio BABS'LAB located at CoRK Arts District North. It is the cities newest space for emerging and established artists to experiment and play with form and content developing new material and integrating spoken word with art, music and movement.